Richard Welford教授, 主编
Richard Welford目前担任悉尼科技大学(University of Technology, Sydney)副教授。他与Wiley合作运营多本具备国际影响力的学术期刊,围绕商业和可持续发展推进相关研究,他担任4本期刊的主编或编辑: Business Strategy & Development, Business Strategy and the Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management and Sustainable Development.
Richard Welford教授还是CSR Asia(智库,以其在企业社会责任 (CSR)和可持续性方面的开创性工作而闻名)的创始人,他在企业社会责任领域与商界、联合国、非政府组织和其他国际机构合作超过30年,重点关注社会公正、人权、社会治理、社区发展和环境管理。
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE) is the leading academic journal in its field with peer-reviewed contributions of a high quality. It seeks to provide original contributions that add to the understanding of business responses to improving environmental performance. It seeks to examine links between competitive strategy and environmental management as well as providing results of research into systems and standards, corporate environmental management tools, organisations and management, particular industry sectors and responses of business to contemporary environmental issues. It examines the role of regulation and policy in the business sector and encourages cross-country analysis. Contributions are encouraged which extend the scope of activity from environmental management to sustainable development in business. The journal should be of interest to a broad interdisciplinary audience including academics, practitioners, business managers and consultants.